FREE Volunteer Training with School Gardens – Feb 17 & Feb 18, 2017

The first Volunteer Training of 2017 is coming up next month in February.
School Gardens staff members are looking forward to meeting new
friends, as well as welcoming back familiar ones.

Two identical sessions are offered:
– Friday, February 17th, 9:00 to noon –
– Saturday, February 18th, 9:00 to noon –

Register by sending an email to and
specifying which day you plan to attend.

Offering thanks for the Seeds!

During 2016, School Gardens is proud to have helped students, families, volunteers, and other community members plant more than 130,000 square feet of space in 17 different gardens!

But here’s the thing: we couldn’t have planted anything, or grown beautiful and nourishing produce with (and for) our community without seeds.

We are so thankful again this year to the farmers, growers, and companies
who provided us with the ability to grow our gardens during 2016. We count ourselves as tremendously fortunate to witness thousands of students experiencing the magic and wonder of seeds for the first time – and it is all because of the generosity of the people mentioned below.

It is with admiration for the beautiful and important work they do, and for their generous giving that we thank these folks:

Baker Creek Heirlooms

Botanical Interests

Bountiful Gardens

Greg’s Gardens

Irish Eyes Garden Seeds

Johnny’s Selected Seeds

Our American Roots

Peaceful Valley

Renee’s Garden

Seed Savers Exchange

Territorial Seed Company

Tsugawa Nursery