“Feeding Washington Tour” features School Gardens

A revealing video featuring some terrific agencies (school gardens start at minute 6). This was part of a “Feeding Washington Tour” by 19th District Representatives Brian Blake and Dean Takko on August 15th.

As always, the real credit goes to the hundreds upon hundreds of students, families, teachers, businesses, service organizations and charity groups that have created all this with their hard work and generous donations.

Help Grow the Rose Valley School Garden


“Help Grow Our School Garden” is our current motto!

The Rose Valley School Garden is currently in its preparation phase with plans to plant in the spring of 2013.  Macy Grafton, a 3rd grader at the school, is organizing the project with the help of fellow students  Addie Schierscher, Gracie Gann, parents & teachers, principal Dr. Mark Connolly, and Ian Thompson from LCSG. The garden will offer an outdoor  classroom where students can develop a love for gardening while learning hands-on science, math and nutrition.

If you are interested in volunteering  or have any questions please e-mail us at rvschoolgarden@gmail.com.

Groundbreaking at Huntington Middle School

DSC_0487 (Large) (3)Looking for some good news? Look no further….

Taking advantage of a window of clear weather, we broke ground at Huntington Middle School in Kelso this Saturday, clearing a space for a new 70′ x 100′ garden.

Once again we are thankful and completely humbled by the community support. Jammie’s Environmental donated the use of the tractor and 2 expert (think “heavy equipment ninjas”) operators; Watkins IMG_1010Tractor donated the use of the excavator for the day. ECS donated the silt fence. There was a great turnout of volunteers.

Huntington Garden is off to a good start with funding from Weyerhaeuser Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, as well as Huntington PTO and some private donors. Help is pledged from Kellogg Gardens (soil and amendments), 5 Rivers Construction (concrete forms), and Cowlitz Fence Co.

Kids and volunteers Huntington Garden 091are anxious to start digging. I guess I’ve been saying this for years now, but these are exciting times.

Good stuff, people.