Beacon Hill Elementary School Garden is now online

In Fall 2012, first grade wanted to provide a hands-on experience that extended their science FOSS kits on plants beyond the classroom. Beacon Hill Elementary received support from the first grade teachers, first grade families, PTO, volunteers, and principal to construct four raised garden beds on the barren asphalt between two portables.

In November 2013, Ms. Clontz’s 29 first graders taught over 500 students at Beacon Hill the importance of composting and every grade is now composting after lunch!

For a task list and the garden calendar see the garden website. Contact Aspen Clontz if you like to help or have any questions.

Cascade Middle School Garden is now online

cascadeUsed primarily by Life Skills students, Youth & Family Link’s after school program, and Sarah Wirtz’s science class, the Cascade Middle School Garden will soon be looking to expand.

Also in the works: Increased partnership and mentoring with neighboring Columbia Heights Elementary, which has a larger, more established garden.

Contact Sarah Wirtz if you like to help or have any questions.

Help Grow the Rose Valley School Garden


“Help Grow Our School Garden” is our current motto!

The Rose Valley School Garden is currently in its preparation phase with plans to plant in the spring of 2013.  Macy Grafton, a 3rd grader at the school, is organizing the project with the help of fellow students  Addie Schierscher, Gracie Gann, parents & teachers, principal Dr. Mark Connolly, and Ian Thompson from LCSG. The garden will offer an outdoor  classroom where students can develop a love for gardening while learning hands-on science, math and nutrition.

If you are interested in volunteering  or have any questions please e-mail us at

Groundbreaking at Huntington Middle School

DSC_0487 (Large) (3)Looking for some good news? Look no further….

Taking advantage of a window of clear weather, we broke ground at Huntington Middle School in Kelso this Saturday, clearing a space for a new 70′ x 100′ garden.

Once again we are thankful and completely humbled by the community support. Jammie’s Environmental donated the use of the tractor and 2 expert (think “heavy equipment ninjas”) operators; Watkins IMG_1010Tractor donated the use of the excavator for the day. ECS donated the silt fence. There was a great turnout of volunteers.

Huntington Garden is off to a good start with funding from Weyerhaeuser Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, as well as Huntington PTO and some private donors. Help is pledged from Kellogg Gardens (soil and amendments), 5 Rivers Construction (concrete forms), and Cowlitz Fence Co.

Kids and volunteers Huntington Garden 091are anxious to start digging. I guess I’ve been saying this for years now, but these are exciting times.

Good stuff, people.

First Annual St. Helens Harvest Festival

The St. Helens students had the opportunity to experience a Harvest Fest on October 16th. A celebration of the garden, an opportunity for members of the Lower Columbia School Gardens and St. Helen’s parents to teach students how to prepare food, music, games and a really great time.

Click the image to go to the schools website to see more images.

St. Helens “Day of Caring”

“Wednesday, Sept. 12 was the annual United Way “Day of Caring” and volunteers from Norpac spent the day with our students in the school garden. Activities included painting more signs for the garden, spreading mulch, and making tasty snacks from plants and vegetables. It has been a wonderful experience for the volunteers and students. Thanks goes to Ian Thompson for coordinating the day and working with volunteers on the project.”

Click the image to go to the St. Helens School website and to see more pictures.

Update from the Monticello School Garden

“Most any Thursday afternoon you will find us in our garden. Advised by Mr. Smith and the expertise of Mr. Ian Thompson, we have a pretty good garden! We’ve had the garden for a couple of years and this time of the year we get to harvest the ‘fruits of our labor.'”

Click the image to go to the Monticello School website and to see more pictures.

Mint Valley Plan Approved!

Did you know that Mint Valley has a Student Leadership Council?  This team of students, along with some VERY passionate and dedicated teachers and families, have helped plan the garden at Mint Valley Elementary.  Longview School District quickly approved the plan so we are cleared for takeoff!  As soon as some money comes in, construction will begin, starting with the fence.  We have applied for a few grants and are waiting to hear back.  This garden will be unique in that all the raised beds will be placed directly on existing pavement – no muddy feet makes for happy custodians!


A new garden at St Helens Elementary!

So much has happened in 2011!  It’s hard to believe it all took place in about 8 months.  Made possible by major grants from the Cowlitz Fund and Lowe’s, generous donations from local families and businesses, and LOTS of hard work by adults and kids alike.  Here are a few of my favorite St Helens moments:

Ryan's Tractor Service donated lots of time doing initial excavation and waterlines. Tim Alwine hauled 8 dump truck loads out of there! Remember what a soggy June it was?
Wayne Alexander and crew pour concrete donated by Knife River Concrete.













Neighborhood kids came out of the woodwork in the summer to help. Dr. Darin gives a lesson on proper hammer technique.
These volunteers put in A LOT of hours over the summer!


 Kyle and Mikail said “You HAVE to tell the other kids that we helped build this shed when school starts, because they’ll NEVER believe us!”



 Squaring up the shed floor with Parks and Rec Summer crew.

Working at recess - check out the kids outside the fence.... "No fair!"



Hardworking kids with volunteer Shawn Higgins


Planting... finally!


Mrs. Kiffe spreading the love.
Ms T and Alberto talking care of business.









A young garden, buzzing with activity!